
Contact: yabbas [at] panurban [dot] net

Teams have a variable geometry and form according to the needs of projects and clients. P A N U R B A N collaborates with mobilizable international experts, experienced in design thinking, innovative architecture and urban design, network sociology and sustainability.

Les équipes à géométrie variable se forment selon les besoins des projets et des clients. P A N U R B A N collabore avec des experts internationaux mobilizables expérimentés en « design thinking », architecture et urbanisme innovant, sociologie des réseaux, et développement durable.

Dr. Yasmine ABBAS : Founder : is a French certified architect and Professeur Associé at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture (ESA) in Paris, who works internationally across the fields of art and architecture, business ethnography and sustainability. Dr. Abbas holds a Master of Science in Architecture Studies from MIT (SMArchS 2001) and a Doctor of Design from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (DDes 2006). She is founding director of Panurban Intelligence, a global strategic design consultancy that leverages design research to generate business intelligence and drive urban innovation, and is the author of Le néo-nomadisme: Mobilités. Partage. Transformations identitaires et urbaines (FYP, 2011). Her design research includes projects for companies like Orange, Steelcase, and as Environmental Sociologist for Masdar City.

DK OSSEO-ASARE : Mobilizable Consultant : is Principal and Co-Founder of Low Design Office (LOWDO), an architecture studio based in San Antonio, Texas and Tema, Ghana. Fulbright Scholar and Global TED Fellow, DK received both an A.B. in Engineering Design and an M.Arch from Harvard University, where he studied kinetic architecture and network power. His research spans design innovation, open-source urbanism, informal and digital fabrication. He has presented his work at the Royal Institute of British Architects, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Smart Cities Expo, TED Global and on the BBC. DK led urban design for the Anam City and Koumbi City new town projects in Nigeria and Ghana.

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